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September Mantra and Meditation Retreat!

At the base of the foothills of the Los Padres National Forest, Villa Ojai is the location for a blissful and peaceful weekend of mantra, meditation, and yoga. Included in this amazing and heart opening weekend are sound vibration therapy with the use of the ancient gong and singing bowls, morning meditation, yoga classes, hiking, and the use of  hot tub/pool.  I have the honor of creating the menu and preparing Ayurvedic meals to the guests, providing them with nourishment which supports the meditation and yoga practice through the weekend. There are a few spots left! 
www.villaojai.com         www.ayurmuktiyoga.com

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From Mountain Rose Herbs.. charitable donations.. awesome!!

Charitable Giving and Non-Profit Support

One of the finest expressions for all of us at Mountain Rose Herbs is the ability to extend our sincere support to the numerous organizations and individuals who all share a reverence for the world we live in, and we do this by allocating an average of $90,000 dollars each year for charitable giving, sponsorships, community functions, conservation work, and plant related projects. In addition to generous financial contributions, we also work directly with numerous non-profits by helping them organize events, distribute information, and garner new members. To view a short list of the organizations we support and the specific work we do for them please click here.

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Ayurveda teaches that our bodies correspond to the changing seasons in nature. With each change in the seasonal cycle, we can feel the internal shifts physically as they also manifest mentally and emotionally. Since we are indeed not separate from nature, we then also must transition from one season to the next. The difference here is that we have the ability to make choices in our lives which don’t always allow us to flow into a seasonal change in the way that every other sentient being naturally harmonizes with those cyclical changes. This is why the importance of knowing who we are and what we need as individuals is paramount to achieving our optimal health.