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Bring Ayurveda into your life.. It IS the science of life quite literally!!

Ayurveda- the science of life..
Interested in bringing harmony to your body and mind? Ayurveda is an ancient and most comprehensive science which brings lifelong health and peace by daily practices and an understanding of who YOU are as an individual and what does indeed balance the fluctuations within us as such. We don’t all need the same thing whether it be food, herbs, yoga, particular breathing tecniques, aromas, etc..
As Ayurveda is quickly becoming a buzzword in the West, it’s time to understand how simple and sustainable it is as a practice, and not a fad! Join me for a consultation to get started on truly understanding your constitution and what the current imbalance in your body and life may be. Also, Ayurvedic Cooking for Everyday is coming up in August!!! Book appointments on the website:

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Why does everyone need SHIRODHARA? (wth is it anyway??)

Why do we forget so often? Why do we feel like our brains and emotions are just short circuiting? We all know the answer to this because we live with our lives everyday. Driving and talking, driving and eating, driving and thinking.. thinking… thinking… TOO MUCH!! We work and we work, and have become disconnected to others but most importantly to ourselves. There is never a “quick fix” but we can take care to nourish our brains and slow down for a few moments. This leads to taking other steps in the direction of giving to ourselves by surrendering the control we believe we have in so many areas of our lives. Tune out, check IN, let go, and just be.
La La Land
You need this. I’m sure of it.

Melt away… warm customized oil poured onto the forehead (third eye/anja chakra…)This coats the head, and slowly you begin to let go,to drift, and to allow anything that came before that moment to melt far into nonexistence. Afterward the head,neck and shoulder area are massaged using marma points (accupressure).This is for you. To let go. To give yourself a present, of being in the present. Namaste.

Shirodhara (shih-roh-dah-ruh) Shiro means “head” and dhara means “the dripping of oil like a thread” and is an ancient technique and an Ahhmazing treatment for all stress related disorders and mental distractions. It brings clarity to the mind and addresses the central nervous system. Emotional upheaval,nervousness, stress, anxiety, burnout in the mind (feeling frazzled as we all do), allergic rhinitis, sinusitus, and the list goes on. Basically anything going on in the head region. So every single person in our whirlwind lives and constantly moving world needs this. Period.Shirodhara-268x300

Give to yourself (or others) $60 ($80 value)for one hour
or $180 for three treatments to use in three months (best recommendation for sure)

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Come and visit the new digs! :)

AyurGlow has its own location, so come visit and perhaps book and appointment for a lovely and amazing 1 1/2 hour Ayurvedic Facial Massage or a soothing Shirodhara treatment to calm the nerves and anxieties of our everyday lives. A nutrition/lifestyle consult for lifelong happiness of body and spirit is also offered up!

445 E. 17th Street  Suite J

Costa Mesa, CA 92627


Beauty and Radiance Workshop …once again!

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This workshop is being held twice in the month of March. The Sanctuary in Tustin on the 17th @ 12 and Blossom in Huntington Beach on the 20th @6:30.

The workshop at Blossom in H.B. will incorporate yoga and pranayama (breathing technique) with Holly Robison of Sundara Yoga Shala!! Extra fun!! Please call to sign up for Tustin by March 14th. Blossom workshop can be registered for ahead of time or pay at the door.

Click on photos to see the fliers 🙂


Beauty workshop        blosssom flier

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